9.3Matthew to L Magloire68/5
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. John Matthew to Lex Magloire. Length ball, driving, mis-timed to long off, caught by Caesar.
6.6Payne to N Leo47/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Niall Payne to Noelle Leo. Length ball, Slog, Edged, caught by Robinson.
4.4Payne to V Lewis36/3
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Niall Payne to Vincent Lewis. Yorker, defending, missed, fielded by Robinson.
3.5S Naitram31/2
1.1Xavier to D Burton7/1
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Malakai Xavier to Deon Burton. Length ball, driving, missed, fielded by Robinson.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached